When applying for a job through the website, the personal data contained in your application is collected and processed by SEE Digital d.o.o. Beograd-Novi Beograd, ("Controller"), located at Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 134G, Belgrade.
Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of conducting the activities of the Controller in connection with recruitment and employment, which includes arranging and conducting job interviews, testing candidates, assessing test results, and generally assessing the candidate's qualifications for work for a particular position, as it is customary and necessary in the recruitment processes. Such processing is based on the Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 87/2018), (hereinafter referred to as "DP Act") and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) ("GDPR"), as appropriate, and for the purpose of seeking, evaluating and selecting candidates for employment.
We collect your personal data through an online application, submitted resume (CV) and other documents (motivation letter, diplomas, licenses, certificates, etc.), as well as interviews and tests in the recruitment process. The types of data we collect are as follows (depending on the specific job/position and the data that candidates include in their applications, resumes and possibly other documents): first and last name, address, email address, phone number, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, photograph (if submitted by the candidate), data contained in documents such as work permits, visas, diplomas, certificates, licenses, driver's license, etc., occupation, type and degree of professional qualifications, titles, data on skills and qualifications for performing certain jobs, knowledge of foreign languages, qualifications for certain jobs, previous work experience, data on whether the candidate has the status of a pensioner, the reason for termination of previous employment/engagement, assessment of knowledge and ability to perform the tasks for which the candidate applies. The controller may also process certain categories of sensitive personal data (special categories of data) in accordance with the DP Act and GDPR, such as health information (including potential disability), in the event that this is necessary for employment in the workplace where the health condition would require the Controller to provide the employee with specific working conditions. The controller may process other types of data than those specified in this notice if necessary, but does not process a larger number or other types of personal data than is necessary for the fulfillment of the stated purpose.
The controller may make the decisions necessary for the conclusion of employment agreement between the candidate and the Controller, in a way that automated (machine) processing of personal data is also included in the decision-making process. The aim of such processing is to create a comprehensive picture of the candidate and assess his preferences and abilities. This automated processing is used as part of the candidate's overall assessment, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the conclusion of an employment agreement or other work engagement. The assessment of the adequacy of the candidate and the decision to conclude the employment agreement is always a human contribution, i.e. in this process, in addition to the machine, humans are also involved. You have the right to express your opinion on such a decision, as well as the right to challenge such a decision.
The controller bases the processing of your personal data on the following legal bases:
Your personal data may be shared with third parties, i.e. other processors or sub-processors (such as employment agencies), when we use their services in the selection process. Furthermore, your data may be transferred to other countries, when it is necessary to share it with the parent company, or with affiliated companies within the group authorized to receive the data by the parent company. In the case of data transfer from the Republic of Serbia, the Controller applies the standards of protection in accordance with the relevant regulations. If you want to know more about the safeguards, you can write to us on
The Controller’s information security management system implements high level modern technical tools, as well as the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. Also, the Controller protects your data as confidential, applying all available technical and organizational measures, in accordance with applicable regulations and internal acts.
The Controller will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to carry out the assessment of candidates, that is, until the completion of the job advertisement to which you applied. In addition, the Controller may keep your data in an inactive format for the maximum of six months after the completion of the job advertisement for the purpose of documenting its decisions. In the event that you have given your consent to use your data for other potential job advertisement, your data will be stored for the maximum of two years.
According to the DP Act and GDPR, as a data subject, you have the following rights:
In order to exercise these rights and obtain information about the processing of your personal data, you can contact our data protection officer at the e-mail address If you believe that your data has not been processed in accordance with the law, you can file a complaint with the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection.
Your submission of data is a necessary condition for achieving the purpose of processing, i.e. the process of recruitment and selection of candidates, as well as the possible conclusion of employment agreement. You are not obliged to submit your personal data, but it is necessary for us to act on your application for a job.
Kada se prijavljujete za posao preko web stranice, podatke o ličnosti sadržane u Vašoj prijavi prikuplja i obrađuje SEE Digital d.o.o. Beograd-Novi Beograd, ("Rukovalac"), koji se nalazi na adresi Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 134G, Beograd.
Vaši podaci o ličnosti obrađivaće se u svrhe sprovođenja aktivnosti Rukovaoca u vezi s regrutacijom i zapošljavanjem, koje uključuju dogovaranje i sprovođenje razgovora za posao, testiranje kandidata, procenu rezultata testova, i uopšte procenu osposobljenosti kandidata za rad na određenom radnom mestu, na način kako je uobičajeno i potrebno u procesima zapošljavanja. Takva obrada se zasniva na Zakonu o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti (Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 87/2018), (dalje u tekstu „ZZPL“) i na Uredbi (EU) 2016/679 (Opšta uredba o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti) ("GDPR"), prema potrebi, a za potrebe traženja, evaluacije i odabira kandidata za zapošljavanje.
Vaše podatke o ličnosti prikupljamo putem internetske prijave, predate radne biografije (CV) i drugih dokumenata (motivaciono pismo, diplome, licence, sertifikati i sl.), kao i razgovora i testiranja u postupka zapošljavanja. Vrste podataka koje prikupljamo su sledeće (u zavisnosti od konkretnog radnog mesta / posla i podataka koje kandidati uključe u svoje prijave, radne biografije i eventualno druge dokumente): ime i prezime, adresa, imejl adresa, broj telefona, datum i mesto rođenja, pol, državljanstvo, fotografija (ukoliko je kandidat dostavi), podaci sadržani u dokumentima kao što su radne dozvole, vize, diplome, sertifikati, licence, vozačke dozvole i sl., zanimanje, vrsta i stepen stručne spreme, titule, podaci o veštinama i kvalifikacijama za obavljanje određenih poslova, poznavanje stranih jezika, osposobljenost za određene poslove, prethodno radno iskustvo, podaci o tome da li kandidat ima status penzionera, razlog prestanka prethodnog radnog odnosa/angažovanja, procena znanja i sposobnosti za obavljanje poslova za koje se kandidat prijavljuje. Rukovalac takođe može obrađivati određene kategorije osetljivih podataka o ličnosti (posebne kategorije podataka) u skladu s ZZPL-om i GDPR-om, kao što su zdravstvene informacije (uključujući potencijalni invaliditet), u slučaju da je to potrebno za zapošljavanje na radnom mestu gde bi zdravstveno stanje zahtevalo od Rukovaoca da zaposlenom omogući posebne uslove rada. Rukovalac može obrađivati i druge vrste podataka od onih koje su navedene u ovom obaveštenju ukoliko je to potrebno, ali ne obrađuje veći broj ili drugu vrstu podataka o ličnosti u odnosu na ono što je potrebno za ispunjenje navedene svrhe.
Rukovalac može donositi odluke potrebne za sklapanje ugovora između kandidata i Rukovaoca, tako da u proces odlučivanja bude uključena i automatizovana (mašinska) obrada podataka o ličnosti. Cilj takve obrade je stvaranje sveobuhvatne slike o kandidatu i procena njegovih sklonosti i sposobnosti. Ova automatizovana obrada koristi se kao deo celovite ocene kandidata, na osnovu koje će se doneti odluka o sklapanju ugovora o radu ili drugom radnom angažovanju. Procena adekvatnosti kandidata i odluka o sklapanju ugovora uvek je ljudski doprinos, tj. u ove procese uvek je, pored mašine, uključen i čovek. Imate pravo da izrazite svoj stav o takvoj odluci, kao i pravo na osporavanje takve odluke.
Rukovalac zasniva obradu Vaših podataka o ličnosti na sledećim pravnim osnovima:
Vaši podaci o ličnosti mogu se deliti sa trećim stranama, odnosno obrađivačima ili podobrađivačima (kao što su npr. agencije za zapošljavanje), kada koristimo njihove usluge u procesu izbora kandidata. Takođe, Vaši podaci mogu da se prenose u druge zemlje, kada je to potrebno da bi se delili sa matičnim društvom, ili sa povezanim društvima unutar grupacije koja su od matičnog društva za to ovlašćena. U slučaju iznošenja podataka iz Republike Srbije, Rukovalac primenjuje standarde zaštite u skladu sa relevantnim propisima. Ukoliko želite više da saznate o merama zaštite, možete nam pisati na
Sistem upravljanja informacionom bezbednošću Rukovaoca implementira na visokom nivou savremene tehničke alate, kao i standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Takođe, Rukovalac štiti Vaše podatke kao poverljive, primjenjujući sve dostupne tehničke i organizacione zaštitne mere, u skladu sa primenljivim propisima i internim aktima.
Rukovalac će čuvati Vaše podatke o ličnosti sve dok je to potrebno da bi se sprovela procena prijavljenih kandidata, to jest do završetka konkursa za posao na koji ste se prijavili. Pored toga, Rukovalac može zadržati vaše podatke u neaktivnom formatu najviše šest meseci nakon završetka konkursa za posao u svrhu dokumentovanja svojih odluka. U slučaju da ste dali saglasnost da se Vaši podaci upotrebe i za druge potencijalne konkurse, Vaši podaci će se čuvati i po završetku konkursa na koji ste aplicirali, ali ne duže od dve godine.
Prema ZZPL-u i GDPR-u, kao lice čiji se podaci obrađuju, imate sledeća prava:
Radi ostvarivanja navedenih prava i dobijanja informacija o obradi Vaših podataka o ličnosti, možete se obratiti našem licu za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti na adresu elektronske pošte Ukoliko smatrate da Vaši podaci nisu obrađivani u skladu sa zakonom, možete podneti pritužbu Povereniku za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti.
Vaše dostavljanje podataka nužan je uslov za ostvarivanje svrhe obrade, odnosno procesa zapošljavanja i odabira kandidata, kao i eventualnog sklapanja ugovora o radu. Nemate obavezu dostavljanja Vaših podataka o ličnosti, ali je njihovo dostavljanje neophodno kako bismo mogli da postupamo po Vašoj prijavi na konkurs za posao.